Discurv in the media

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Discurv in the news

Jérôme Labbé nommé Directeur Général de Discurv
12 Septembre 2024
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Madeinvote change de nom et devient Discurv
03 Juillet 2024
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The Adetem Nouvelle-Aquitaine club is born
March 21, 2024
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L’institut d’études consommateurs Madeinvote lève 2,5 millions d’euros
8 décembre 2023
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Discurv (ex-Madeinvote) raises 2.5 million euros for its market research automation software
December 7 2023
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Madeinvote, expert de notre consommation et de nos opinions lève 2,5 millions
6 décembre 2023
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Discurv studies in the news

Nearly one French person out of two manages to save every month
November 24 2023
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Meta installe son accélérateur de start-ups IA en France
08 novembre 2023
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Vacations and ecology: when camping, some French people throw their good habits in the trash
July 12 2023
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Sustainable tourism: the French cultivate the paradox
July 11 2023
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Enquête - Le tourisme durable : une tendance réelle mais paradoxale
8 juin 2023
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Sustainable tourism: a concept that is still “unclear” for three quarters of French people
June 2 2023
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Communiqué de presse

Jérôme Labbé est nommé Directeur Général chez Discurv
The research company Madeinvote changes its name and becomes Discurv.
Paris 2024 Olympic Games: What was the enthusiasm of the French during the ticketing draw?
Urban youth: a marked preference for individual modes of transport
Generation Z: what are the uses and expectations of banks among 15-26 year olds?
Discount & destocking stores: a success story for consumers and brands alike
Discurv raises 2.5 million euros to accelerate the marketing of its software dedicated to consumer research and opinion surveys.
Discurv joins the Adetem Nouvelle Aquitaine club
Discurv buys poll&roll!

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