
Paris 2024 Olympic Games: What was the enthusiasm of the French during the ticketing draw?

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Amélie Curel

Paris 2024 Olympic Games: What was the enthusiasm of the French during the ticketing draw?

Online Survey | February 2023

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While the first phase of registration for the Olympic Games ticketing ended on 31 January last year, who will be among the lucky ones to be able to buy the first tickets in the form of a pack? The answer from February 15! Faced with this news, Discurv, an institute for new generation studies, was interested in the opinion of the French people in order to:

  • Deciphering the general perceptions of the French around the Paris 2024 Olympics
  • Measure their viewing/participation intentions on site
  • Identify which sports are the most anticipated by the French
  • Assess their knowledge of the lottery system
  • Gather their opinions about mascots, partners and the image of the event for our country


Discurv carried out this study with 1000 French people aged 18 and over, representative of the French population in terms of Sex, Age, CSP & Region. The survey was conducted via Facebook and Instagram from 26 to 31 January 2023.


2024 will be a significant year for the French: for 27% of them, the Olympic Games will be the sporting event of the year. The Olympics will also be an opportunity to discover athletes and new disciplines for 23% of French people, with an enthusiasm and curiosity for new sports disciplines that rises to 45% among those under 35.

But for a quarter of French people, the Olympics are also synonymous with political staging and ecological aberration.

In terms of knowledge about the event, we note that 9 out of 10 French people know that the next edition of the Olympics will be held in France and in 2024, but only 7 out of 10 French people know that they will take place in summer. A figure not so surprising, when you know that usually only 1 French person out of 2 follows the Olympics (previous editions).


For the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, there is a stronger commitment than usual: 58% of French people intend to follow these Olympics, whether on site or behind a screen (vs. 46% during previous editions). This intention to participate is particularly marked for those under 35 (69% vs. 58% on average) and for French people who are already used to attending sporting events (77% vs. 58% on average).

How do the French plan to follow this event? Live behind a screen for 44% of them, and for offline viewing (39%). Finally, only 11% of French people intend to follow the Olympics on site, in the stands. It should be noted that the inhabitants of Île-de-France plan more to attend the tests on site (22% vs 11% on average); not surprising given the number of events present in the capital.

In addition, for 8 out of 10 French people, the Paris 2024 Olympics will be an opportunity to follow one or more sports in particular, and for 5 out of 10 French people, to follow a specific country. Moreover, in terms of expected sports, the French place athletics (61%) in first position, followed by swimming (54%) and gymnastics (49%). In fourth and fifth place are handball (39%) and judo (36%).

Who are the most popular athletes among the French? Spontaneously, we find Kevin Mayer, a double silver medalist in the decathlon, at the top of the ranking, followed by Teddy Riner, the judoka already a triple gold medalist, then Renaud Lavillenie, once a gold medalist in the pole vault.

And in terms of medals, are the French optimistic? 44% are hopeful that the athletes will win more than in the previous edition in Tokyo, and 39% think they will win as many. Only 18% are pessimistic and think that French athletes will bring back fewer medals than in Tokyo.


While a lottery operation was set up to allow everyone to obtain the precious sesame, it should be noted that only 30% of French people interviewed knew this mode of operation. However, for the inhabitants of Ile-de-France, this knowledge of the drawing of lots is increased by 42% (vs. 30% on average). And among those who did not know about it, 9/10 told us that they would not have tried their luck in any case.


While in 2024, France will host the Summer Olympic Games for the 3rd time, 55% of French people think that this event contributes positively to the image of France as well as to the image of Paris, for 51% of respondents. Those under 35 have an even more positive perception of these upcoming Games, since 75% think that this event will enhance the image of our country (against the 55% on average).

Let's now look at the official mascots of the 2024 Olympics: the Phryges. The opinion of the French is relatively mixed: concretely, they are qualified as original for 55% of French people, then as amusing for 47% of those questioned. However, they only appeal to 30% of French people and only 34% think that they represent France well. Finally, many French and foreign partners are already involved alongside Paris 2024 to promote the values of Olympism and Paralympism. According to the French, the three most legitimate partners to sponsor these Olympics are Decathlon in first position, followed by Coq Sportif and FDJ.


“With about a year and a half before the start of the Olympic Games, we are seeing real enthusiasm on the part of the French people around the Paris 2024 Olympics. This enthusiasm is all the more pronounced among young people under 35 (69% intend to follow the competition vs. 58% on average), good news for the IOC, which aims to rejuvenate its audience, in particular with the integration of new disciplines such as breakdance or surfing. These Olympic Games are also a good way to discover new disciplines or new athletes, among others. However, we note that the lottery system for accessing these tickets is only known by 30% of French people. A bit too early to plan? Another interesting element of the study: the official mascots (the sea flies) are not unanimous, and above all they do not seem to make you want to follow the competition. To hope for international influence for the city of Paris as well as France, it will therefore be necessary to shine... Thanks to our athletes?”

Gregoire Besancon, Senior Insight Manager Discurv


  • For 27% of French people, the Olympic Games will be the sporting event of the year
  • A quarter of French people describe the Paris 2024 Olympics as a political staging and an ecological aberration.
  • 9 out of 10 French people know that the next edition of the Olympics will be held in France and in 2024, but only 7 out of 10 French people know that they will take place in summer.
  • 58% of French people intend to follow the Olympics, whether on site or behind a screen
  • 11% of French people intend to attend the tests on site, in the stands
  • Athletics is the No. 1 sport during the Olympics for 61% of French people
  • 44% think that French athletes will win more medals than in the previous edition in Tokyo
  • Only 30% of French people interviewed knew about the ticketing lottery system
  • 55% of French people think that this event contributes positively to the image of France
  • Phryges, official mascots representing our country at the next Olympics, appeal to 30% of French people

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager