poll&roll by Discurv

The automated research platform

Conduct your market research independently with our intuitive and powerful platform.

More agile studies through automation

poll&roll automates the time-consuming and low-value-added tasks of conducting a study. Focus on the essential: analyzing your insights.
Traditional study
poll&roll study

A Platform designed by research experts, for research experts

Time saving

With automation of time-consuming tasks, save significant time throughout the entire production of your market study.

Ease of use

Every feature is intelligently designed to simplify your study steps, from questionnaire creation to data analysis, all without effort.

Intuitive dashboard

View your results in real-time, filter or cross your data with our integrated online crosstab tool, and build your report in just a few clicks, directly on the platform.

Essential deliverables in one click

Instantly access all essential deliverables – individual data, flat tables, cross tables, and PowerPoint reports – simplifying your experience and maximizing your efficiency.

Study tracking over time

With our comparison module, easily measure the evolution of your insights from one study to another.

Powerful features to help you conduct your market studies faster and more easily

Discover some of our features, as agile as our users.

Automatic translation of your questionnaires

Translate your questionnaires into any language with one click, via ChatGPT.

PowerPoint Report Builder

The PowerPoint Builder feature allows you to generate a native PowerPoint report within the platform with one click, export it, and modify it.

Automated summary via AI

Generate a summary of your results by question or for your entire study, thanks to ChatGPT.

Statistical mapping

Easily build your personalized correlation matrix on the platform to measure the intensity of the relationship between multiple variables.
“In a rapidly evolving world, agility is the key to successful marketing research. By continually pushing the boundaries of automating time-consuming study steps, poll&roll offers research professionals not only increased speed but also more time to deepen their analyses and share results effectively.”
Chief Technical Officer & Head of Innovation

Do you want to gain agility in conducting your studies?

Learn more about the poll&roll platform

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