Discurv studies

Young Urbanists have a preference for individual transport - Discover the results of our study

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
As part of our recent study* conducted with 1,134 young French urbanites aged 15 to 34 living in one of the largest French cities, we identified significant trends in mobility. As public transport continues to dominate the urban landscape, our investigation highlighted a marked preference among this new generation for individual modes of transport.

*Methodology: Survey conducted by Discurv among 1134 young French urbanites, aged 15 to 34, living in one of the 10 largest French cities, representative of this population in terms of sex, age and city. This survey was conducted online from April 21 to May 08, 2023, via Facebook and Instagram.

Public transport: used reluctantly?

In general, 8 out of 10 young people say they are satisfied with the public transport offer in their city. However, there are very different levels of satisfaction depending on the city studied.

If they are used, it is primarily for their practicality (68%) And their speed (50%).

However, 21% of public transport users say Take them less often than before, and 10% even gave up completely this mode of transport. Discover the reasons for abandonment by clicking on the button below!

Discover the results of the study by clicking here

Biking: a fast-growing alternative

🚴 29% of young people use bicycles for their daily commute. A habit that has only been gaining ground in recent years, since 64% Urban youth report using their personal bike more often than before (+/- 3 years). Moreover, we find a similar observation with regard to self-service bikes, since 61% say they use them more often than before!

Concretely, urban youth see 3 major advantages in cycling:

  1. The opportunity to engaging in physical activity (63%) And of have fun (52%)
  1. Benefit from one mode of travel at a time fast (62%) and practical (55%)
  1. Participate in the protection of the environment (47%) ... far ahead of the financial dimension (33%)

In fact, the vast majority of urban youth (83%) consider that the cycling infrastructures offered in their city are adapted to their cycling practice.

However, this perception varies considerably between the cities studied in this survey!

Free-Floating: ideal for local trips

🛴 The services of Free-Floating, such as self-service bikes and scooters, are gaining popularity: 6 out of 10 young people say use more often What before self-service bikes (+/- 3 years) and 5/10 of the self-service scooters.

Although they are both used for fairly short durations (10 to 30 minutes), self-service bikes & scooters are used for very distinct uses. Discover the details of these uses by downloading the complete study!

High expectations from public authorities

🏙️ In the end, 1 urban youth out of 2 Affirms to favor soft modes of transport in a systematic manner. They therefore have high expectations of the public authorities to stimulate their daily practice: make public transport free or reduce the cost of public transport (70%), develop the network of secure cycle paths (50%), benefit from assistance with the purchase of a bike or scooter (40%) or create new secure parking spaces for bikes & scooters (37%).

One thing is certain, all mobility players have great challenges to meet in order to best meet the expectations of young urban people, and thus maximize the anchoring of soft mobility in daily journeys.

To download the full study and discover more insights on the mobility of urban youth, click hither to access the infographic.

Discover the results of the study by clicking here

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager