Methodology & Expertise

Quantitative and qualitative study: what are the differences?

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Amélie Curel
What is the difference between a quantitative and qualitative study? If you too have trouble distinguishing these two study methodologies, don't panic: Discurv invites you to (re) discover the essential differences between a quantitative and qualitative study.


When it comes to collecting the opinion of the population on an idea, a product or a project, Quantitative studies and qualitative are certainly the most relevant collection and research methods. But be careful not to be fooled by their almost homonymic names! Because while the two studies are certainly complementary, they are nonetheless different on many points. So Before You Make Your market research, Ask yourself the following question: What is the difference between a Quantitative study And a Qualitative study ? 🤔

Quantitative and qualitative study: different collection methods

Quantitative and qualitative studies are two common methods of analysis in business research. When You Venture Into the Wonderful World of Marketing Surveys, several tools and methods of questioning are available to us: online questionnaire, focus group, consumer panel, individual interview... If these collection methods seem as diverse as they are varied, we can generally group them under two main categories: Quantitative studies And the qualitative studies. 

Produced using digital data collection tools, theQuantitative study aims to collect data that, once structured in the form of statistics, makes it possible to obtain, measure and analyze broad-Ranging Survey Results 🔍. Quantitative studies generally take the form of questionnaire, by telephone or by email, although today companies are promoting more innovative collection methods such as Discurv quantitative surveys via social networks.

Unlike its neighbor, theQualitative study is less structured. It makes it possible to collect information on the motivations, behaviors and opinions of a population. The aim here is not to measure, but rather to describe and explain the consumer perspective. The answers collected are more thorough, but the results are more difficult to analyze because they are not statistically measurable. Qualitative analysis is based on in-depth interviews and observations to explore participants' experiences and choices. It can help define effects, guides, and richer definitions of customer behaviors and reactions to a product or business.

To collect this type of data, we use Qualitative Research Methods such as:

Another important difference that should not be overlooked is the size of the Survey samples According to the methods: a Qualitative study Generally focuses on a small sample of individuals, around 5 to 15 people depending on the project, because this type of method requires more depth. The objective of a qualitative study is to focus on a specific core target, but also to support the results with varied profiles.

On the other side, a Quantitative study Requires a larger sample than a Qualitative study, but above all more representative 👌. The sample size depends on several criteria such as the margin of error and the size of the desired target population. For example, for a representative study in France, a sample of around 1000 individuals would be statistically more appropriate.
In a Quantitative study, it is important to start with broad targeting, because narrowing down to the core marketing target can deprive you of a better vision of your project and its overall potential. To meet the study needs of our customers, our team Discurv Set up quotas Within the samples in order to ensure the Representativeness of the target population (in terms of sex, age, CSP, place of residence... etc.)

So in concrete terms, what is the difference between a Quantitative and qualitative study? 🤔 If the two studies differ in their research methodologies and the type of data collected, we can remember that Quantitative data Make it possible to obtain a global vision, while Qualitative data Provide more details to the results of a marketing survey

Why choose a quantitative study for your survey?

Now you know the difference between a Quantitative study and qualitative. But Before Taking the Plunge Into the Deep End of Surveys marketing, prepare your diving goggles and first of all ask yourself the following question: which of these studies is the most suitable for your goals and needs?

Quantitative analysis focuses on numbers and measurable data, using online surveys, questionnaires, and surveys to gather information about the market, product, and customer behaviors. This method makes it possible to test hypotheses and to provide accurate statistical information.

A prima facie, theQualitative study May be relevant if you want to obtain detailed and in-depth data for your Surveying. But be careful not to be blinded by these great promises, because the analysis and processing of these results can be complicated! For example, to express their opinions, the same population uses multiple, varied and therefore heterogeneous expressions: it is not easy to structure all this in the form of statistics 😓

Moreover, even though they are interesting in terms of data collection, Qualitative questions are not always very popular with the population. Most of the time it's about Open questions and very general ones that invite the population to express themselves spontaneously: “What do you think of this ad?” , “What does this shoe brand inspire you?” gold “Describe your daily beauty routine.” This type of question, in addition to being often too vague, requires more time and commitment. And unfortunately, the respondents do not have the patience to think and write long answers...

That is why the Quantitative studies Generally Attract More Participation Than Qualitative studies. Closed-ended questions Specific to questionnaires are a more effective and less painful alternative for respondents. The public is therefore much more likely to respond to Closed-ended questions :

  • ⭐ To Scale : “On a scale of 0 to 10, how highly would you recommend this brand?”.
  • ✅ To Multiple Responses : “Among these fashion brands, which ones do you know, even by name?”
  • 📈 with Standings : “Rank Them from the Most Appealing to the Least Appealing”

Depending on the subjects, a field”Other” can also be added with the possibility of writing a personalized response, so that the results are not oriented or biased.

Contrary to a Qualitative study, teaQuantitative study Will allow you to ask more questions in less time and does not require effort on the part of the respondent (no answers that are painful to write, for example). Chez Speech, We only carry out quantitative surveys for our client companies via theSocial networks 📱, in order to maintain the interest of our participants and to guide them through the questionnaires. Social networks are a very rich source of information in terms of collecting consumer insights, because the respondents provide honest and committed answers in questionnaires that are neither too short nor too long (15 minutes maximum).

In summary, the data collected as part of a Quantitative study are more quantifiable than those of a qualitative study. Which means that a Quantitative survey Allows more accurate data to be collected through statistical analyses. Whether it is a question of measuring satisfaction, attendance, the audience exposed or the perception of a given subject, theQuantitative study Does it with precision and efficiency, ideal for companies that want Collect Reviews on Their Advertising Campaign, for example.

So, if you are still wondering why to make a Quantitative survey, the most obvious answer would be... What are you waiting for? 😉


For marketing professionals, theQuantitative study and qualitative are very effective tools in the research, collection and analysis of insights 🔍. While the two studies have major differences, each has its own unique specificity, depending on the type of information sought: a Quantitative study Makes it possible to measure a phenomenon and to collect concrete and accurate data, while a Qualitative study aims to explain and describe the behavior of a population.

In many studies, a combination of the two methods is used to gain a more complete understanding of the market, participants, and techniques to improve business decision-making.

Now that you have all the cards in your hand, all you have to do is choose the best method to start your Market study ! Do you want to know more? Have a look at our page FAQS Or contact us Hither To share your needs in terms of studies with us!

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager