Methodology & Expertise

Post test: measure the impact of your advertising campaign

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
For businesses that want to measure the concrete impact of their ads, discover the post test, the quantitative study that measures the relevance of your advertising investments.


For businesses that want to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaign, the Post test is the most complete tool available to you. This quantitative study makes it possible to enlighten brands/advertisers/agencies on many topics: How was the commercial perceived by my target ? What is the ROI of my campaign of communication? What is his impact on reputation, brand image and Buying intentions ? And finally, how do I optimize my campaigns in the future (media plan, rehearsal, creation, etc.)? 🚀

In order to answer these questions, Discurv invites you to discover everything you need to know about post tests. Not to be confused with Pre test, his equally solicited colleague who will be dealt with in another article.

Advertising post test : Definition and objectives

The Post test : Quésaco ? If you are a brand and you have recently made a advertising campaign, perform a quantitative study Post test may be relevant for you!

Today, businesses know it well, social networks and the internet are THE new distribution channels to be preferred in terms of advertising: click on image, traffic peak, organic reach, video view... So many varied and very easy to access indicators that measure the performance of communication campaigns digital 💻

But while very useful, brands usually end up running up against limits of these KPIs, which are ultimately just the tip of the iceberg. They don't offer the full understanding of performance: How was the message received? What impact was generated on the reputation or brand image among the exposed audience? What is the recall rate of my campaign? It is not easy to answer these questions by analyzing only the number of impressions or the conversion rate...

For businesses that no longer want to limit themselves, a solution exists: the Post test ! Unlike Pre test, the Post test is the youngest in the family since it unfolds once the marketing campaign started, or even completed. As part of a measurement approach incremental, the post test is carried out on all types of media whether offline or online: TV, press, advertising, radio, digital etc.

With a post-test study, you will be able to measure:

  • 🧠 The memorizing Of an advertising message
  • 🤔 The understanding through the presentations
  • 💬 The gains in terms of notoriety
  • 😎 The gains in terms ofbranding
  • 🛒 But also the gains in terms Purchasing intentions

Post-test study: What are the key indicators to understand the submerged part of your investments?

First, the quantitative study Post test allows businesses to measure the evolution of brand awareness following the broadcast of a campaign. We thus distinguish three categories:

  • 🧠 The Top of mind fame, when the brand is cited in first position in the responses collected:
    “What is the first fruit juice brand that comes to mind, spontaneously?”
  • 💡 The spontaneous fame, when the brand is listed without help or incentives among other brands :
    “What are all the coffee brands you know, even by name?”
  • 🔧 And the Assisted reputation, where we invite our respondents to recognize the brand from a list of logos :
    “And among these DIY stores, which ones do you know, even by name?”

Contrary to the Top of mind and spontaneous fame, which are evaluated via open questions, the Assisted reputation is measured using a Closed question where brand logos are presented, in order to stimulate visual memory. By comparing scores between exposed and non-exposed populations, you will be able to see if and to what extent your brand has progressed.

The Post test also makes it possible to measure the impact of a campaign onbrand image. In our questionnaires, we invite respondents to assess the brand behind the campaign, based on various characteristics corresponding to it: “Do you think Starbucks is a coffee brand... for the whole family? : Who offers quality products? Who sets the trends? Different from the others?” etcetera.

In the same way as before, it will thus be possible to measure which image dimensions have been impacted by the campaign, and in what proportion. In the same way as the indicator of preference or intention to buy : “Which of these coffee brands would you prefer?”

Beyond these key indicators, post tests can also measurebrand attribution. By submitting blurred ads to our respondents (where the brand does not appear) we can analyze to what extent they are able to recognize the brand behind the campaign: “In your opinion, which brand communicated through these ads?”
This is an essential indicator to ensure that your advertising investments are well associated with your brand... and not with certain competitors.

Finally, beyond evaluating the impact of an advertising message,post-test quantitative study also makes it possible to understand and dissect the elements that appeal to or that need to be optimized in the creative dimension of advertising, through the eyes of the exposed audience 🤔. Ce creative diagnosis can be multi-faceted, insofar as it is 100% personalized for each campaign:”Spontaneously, what do you like/dislike about this ad? Is it dynamic enough? Does it make you want to buy the product? What score out of 5 would you give to the music? The main character? The colors?” etc.

The creative diagnosis is essential so that brands/advertisers/agencies can make improvements on their campaigns: adding or deleting text, accelerating or slowing the pace, changing media plans according to the performance of each medium, etc.

Advertising post test via the social networks : focus on the methodology of real presentations

Post test via social networks or traditional study institutes: which one to choose?

Traditional institutes of studies are recognized for carrying out Post tests. So why choose Discurv and its solution for survey via social networks to measure the impact of your campaign?

In general, classical institutes interview two categories of people in their post tests : the “exposed” And the “not exposed” to an advertisement. These surveys are based on declarative with the famous question: “Do you remember seeing that commercial?”. Reading this question, we realize that the samples questioned are based on the audience memorization, rather than on his real exposure to this or that campaign. So we should talk about”memorized” for people who remember the ad and “not remembered” otherwise.

If we can logically think that there are no other ways to differentiate the exposed from the unexposed, well think again: this is again only the tip of the iceberg! 😉

Chez Discurv, we make more advanced post tests based not on declarative statements and memorization, but on real presentations of your advertising campaign. More relevant than the principle of memorized/unremembered, the actual exposure is a essential indicator to businesses that want to gather relevant insights and improve their future advertising campaigns.

For your post tests, opt for the method of real presentations via social networks

Thanks to our Madein360 targeting technology, we have the ability to carry out post tests with an audience that actually been exposed to an advertisement. Our tracking tools allow us to precisely identify and question the people who interacted with your digital campaign: video view, video sharing, video sharing, clicking on advertising, commenting under a publication etc.

How is that possible? So what is the secret of targeting Madeinvote? The answer is in a few words 👉 the tracking pixel !

This small piece of code that collects data from Internet users is generally installed on your ads by your communication agency, your digital agency or your technical teams.
The pixel is then shared to Discurv in a simple way by your technical team or digital agency. (via a simple multi-digit number). Discurv thus recovers The encrypted and anonymized data Of theReally exposed audience to your ads in its tool Madein360. It is thus possible to target the real presentations, but also the real ones not exposed (by simply excluding the audience).

Ideal for digital campaigns, this process is all the more relevant when you carry out a post test via our social sampling methodology, since it allows us to interview audiences on the same channels where they were exposed.

To meet the growing needs of our customers, we also have the capacity to carry out Post test influencers via social networks:”What are the consequences of this partnership on my brand? Is the influencer chosen by the brand relevant? Does my audience remember stories posted by this influencer?” 🤳
Thanks to Discurv's know-how, you can now easily answer all these questions!

In order to obtain reliable, pure and unbiased results, we ensure that our survey samples (actual exposed and unexposed) are always paired (gender, age, place of residence, CSP...) thanks to our accurate and customizable targeting tools on social networks. This pairing is essential to ensure that the impact observed between exposed and unexposed (for example, on reputation) is linked to the ad itself, and not to the differences in profiles between exposed and unexposed. Profile questions are thus systematically integrated into our surveys, in order to validate the quality of the answers collected.

You will have understood the interest of Discurv and its quantitative studies Post tests lies in the use of social networks 📱. Thanks to our social sampling tools, we can reach any Real presentations, based on specific criteria: from the youngest to the oldest, from the most modest to the most affluent, etc.

Some examples of post tests carried out by Discurv

At Madeinvote, we produce Post tests in all their diversity : digital campaigns, billboards, press, press, TV, TV, influence, events, and this in a wide variety of sectors.

For example, for this major American fast food chain, we carried out a post test in order to Measuring ROI of its 100% digital campaign in France. 🍔 In 5 days, we collected the responses of 600 people exposed to the countryside, aged 15 to 50. The answers thus allowed the famous franchise of measure the impact of your campaign, but also to optimize its design for future waves of distribution.

Also in the food sector, a major player in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages called on Discurv and Ipsos in order to carry out two post tests in parallel. 🍺 First, the aim was to assess the impact of stories posted by influencers during an evening organized by the brand (memorization, brand attribution, perception of influencers...); and secondly, to measure the impact of sponsored content on social networks with real presentations.
In total, more than 500 participants answered the surveys, with a perfect balance of the sample between real exposures and non-real exposures.

Finally, if you are 25 years old or older, you live in France and you like motorsport or mechanics, you may have been targeted by one of our Post tests ! We broadcast a survey on several social networks during the Formula 1 Grand Prix for measure the effectiveness of the campaign around the event: 400 respondents in 4 days, with (again) a split exposed and non-real ones.

For tailored insights that match the needs of our customers, we provide at Discurv the results of our Post tests under several types of deliverables: analyzed dynamic report, dynamic one pager, static infographics, etc. 📊


Concretely, the quantitative post-test studies are a gold mine for measuring the impact of an advertising campaign on its target audience. Les polls via social networks offer direct access to exposed targets, with unparalleled precision. In fact, unlike classical institutes of studies, the Post test Discurv allows you to directly question the real presentations of a campaign.

Do you have a campaign to measure? Or do you simply want to know more about our methodology for targeting real presentations as part of a quantitative study? Do not hesitate to visit our FAQ page, or contact us to share with us your needs in terms of studies and post-tests!

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager