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How do you communicate effectively to ensure recovery?

Rédigé par
Jennifer Chapelot

How do you communicate effectively to ensure recovery?

Posted by Jennifer Chapelot on September 18, 2020

For several months, our lifestyle and consumption habits have been turned upside down. After the doubts and caution of the early days, it is now necessary to reconnect with consumers to ensure the sustainability of your business.
In fact, there will be no “no economic recovery without relaunching communication”, as Patrice Bégay, Executive Director of Bpifrance.

Today, we offer 3 solutions to ensure effective communication during the recovery, via advertising or press relations.

Validate the relevance of your message before the broadcast of your advertising campaigns

According to a study carried out byUnion of Brands among its members, 58% of companies plan to maintain, or even increase, their speeches by the end of 2020.

More than ever, to stand out and be effective, your speech must be authentic and resonate with the concerns and values of your target audience. Brands that will thus manage to communicate in a relevant way in this period of crisis will succeed in strengthening the bond established with their consumers in a sustainable way. Indeed, 67% of French people expect brands to communicate about their usefulness in new daily life and 59% want brands to adopt a reassuring tone, according to the COVID-19 barometer conducted by Kantar.

To properly prepare your campaign, it is therefore appropriate to validate the accuracy of your advertising creations with a representative sample of your audience before it is broadcast. Pre-testing your campaign will allow you to ensure that it makes sense for consumers, that it conveys the right image and that the messages it conveys are well understood.

Communiquer efficacement

Measure the impact of your ads after they are broadcast

Once your campaign is over, assess its effectiveness with your target audience.

  • Is your brand well present in the minds of consumers?
  • Has your campaign been viewed well?
  • What message do consumers get from it?
  • What is the impact of your campaign on the image and values attributed to your brand?
  • And what impact on the buying intentions of your audience?

These are all crucial questions for managing your brand, which only an advertising post-test will allow you to answer.

These various key indicators will allow you to identify future communication opportunities and to optimize your advertising creations and your media plan for future campaigns.

Stand out in your speeches thanks to powerful numbers

Beyond advertising, you can choose to communicate via press relations and on your social networks or your blog. These channels are no exception to the current need for honest and appropriate communication.

The ideal way to stand out is to rely on the results of studies freshly collected from your target audience, focusing on current issues related to the concerns of your customers. In order to be credible, these results should ideally have been collected by a trusted third party, from a representative sample of your target.

As you will have understood in the current situation more than ever, it is essential to display your values and to put consumer concerns at the heart of your communications.

We provide you with our team of experts as well as pre-test and post-test templates to manage your advertising campaigns in a simple and agile way. Do you want to be supported in this process? Contact us.

Jennifer Chapelot
COO de Discurv et membre fondatrice de poll&roll.