Methodology & Expertise

Consumer study: Why is it important?

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
Can consumer studies really be done without them? 🤔 For companies that still doubt the role of marketing surveys in a business strategy, Discurv invites you to (re) discover why consumer research is now essential for businesses that want to remain competitive.


We no longer teach you this: to be sustainable, a company must absolutely ensure that its products and services meet the expectations of its customers. However, without the right information, it may find it difficult to fully satisfy the needs of its targets... 😓 This is where consumer studies come in, because in terms of customer data, it is undoubtedly the most effective marketing tool on the market!

But before we embark on the hectic path of marketing surveys, we may ask ourselves: why the consumer studies are they essential for brands? 🤔

Consumer study: what is it?

Whatever its sector of activity, each company must ask itself relevant and essential questions in the development of its strategies: “What is the typical profile of my customers?” “What are their preferences and buying habits?” orHow satisfied are my customers?”. Once all these questions have been listed, it remains to find out how to answer them effectively...

For all companies that share this concern, the ideal solution is available to you: all you have to do is create consumer studies !

In the family of marketing tools, the study consumer is certainly the best way to know the preferences and expectations of a market. After all, if you want to know what consumers need, why not just ask them? 😉

The secret of success is clear: to meet the requirements of your customers, all you have to do is listen to them by soliciting their opinions and obtaining their opinions directly from them, through surveys. Give importance to feedback, it is the simplest marketing strategy, but also the most effective! 😎

The data collected through these questionnaires allows brands to establish the profiles of their buyers, more commonly known as “the personas“in marketing. Les consumer studies provide essential information to better Understand who the company should really target and who are its real customers.

An in-depth consumer study, focused on the topic of consumption in France for example, involves a detailed interview (or several) to collect essential data that contribute to the development of business strategies, while feeding a accurate barometer of the consumer experience thanks to to data analysis (or data).

There are various ways to conduct a marketing survey. The target audience can be interviewed:

What are the different consumer studies?

If theconsumer study is a very popular tool for brands, it is also very easy to get lost between its multiple forms and modes of questioning: Focus group, online questionnaires, individual interviews, consumer panels... How do you tell them apart?

Depending on the analysis methods and the type of information they provide, we can generally divide consumer surveys into two categories: qualitative studies and quantitative studies ✨.

Thus, the qualitative studies include more descriptive research methods that focus more on consumer experiences and motivations. This includes:

Quantitative studies for their part, they offer a more accurate analysis of consumer behavior and opinions, in the form of statistics. It is mainly about:

Attention: Even if these two categories are complementary and therefore not opposed, it is important to understand The fundamental differences between a qualitative and quantitative study, in order to identify the method that should be used.

If you want to conduct a survey, but you are not sure what research method to use, do not hesitate to contact our team Discurv in order to determine together the type of study that best fits your goals 😉.

Finally, whether qualitative or quantitative studies, some institutes also offer to carry out paid surveys 💰. At Discurv, we prefer surveys of surveys on social networks without remuneration or compensation, in order not to bias the opinions of our respondents and to obtain more reliable results 😎.

Why is conducting consumer research essential?

A consumer study is a in-depth analysis Of theconsumer experience in a group of people, often carried out in France and dealing with a specific theme, such as health or digital consumption for example. It aims to collect essential information For the development of strategies relevant commercial matters. This survey may involve a discussion with participants to gather information about their preferences, their buying behaviors, their perceptions of prizes And their Overall satisfactione. The data obtained in this way are used to valuable information to develop innovative digital solutions and are often presented in the form of a barometer to monitor the evolution of the consumer experience over time.

As you will have understood, the consumer studies are the tool of choice for businesses today. And that's not surprising 😎! Among the many positive points that consumer studies bring, we can remember that they help to:

💡 Make strategic decisions and draw up an effective action plan 💡

We no longer talk about the paramount importance of having a good brand strategy today. And to define your strategy correctly, you have to adapt it to the needs of the market. And to achieve this, nothing beats a consumer survey ! 😎 The data obtained through a survey makes it possible to highlight the needs of a market, its preferences and expectations. It is therefore easier to develop adapted and effective marketing strategies!

🔍 Have a (much) better knowledge of your market 🔍

No matter how effective a product or service is, it is essential to know where you are setting foot! Make a consumer study before launching a product helps to better understand the potential of the target market 🎯. The analysis of customer reviews before, and even after launching a product or campaign, therefore offers the opportunity to improve!

😎 Better position your product or business in relation to the competition 😎

Today, bragging about the benefits of your products and services is no longer enough to attract customers, because the competition is tough... This is why standing out has become essential for a business. Les marketing studies offer an in-depth analysis of the company and its market, to highlight its strengths and weaknesses, sound posturing in its competitive world and provide effective solutions. Enough to improve the brand and the design of its offers, to surpass the competition!

👀 Have a better knowledge of your customers 👀

Les marketing surveys offer businesses the opportunity to better understand their customers and to define buying profiles and behaviors 🛒. By relying on the data collected, they can more easily identify consumers who are more likely to use their services and products, and therefore implement effective actions, such as creating relevant targeted marketing campaigns 👍.

In a nutshell, the consumer studies provide better market knowledge, which not only improves brand strategy, but also product and service design!

The stages of a study by Discurv

“And besides, short question... How does one go about making a consumer study at Discurv? 🤔
You couldn't wait to find out... Well, we're revealing it to you! Of The satisfaction survey unto The study of competition passing through the customer and non-customer knowledge, your new generation research institute explains to you, in detail, the steps of a consumer survey via social networks:

1. We start with the reception of the client brief and analysis of the feasibility of the project 👍, where our team ensures its viability. Then comes therefining the audience and the sample to be interviewed 🎯. Depending on the objectives of the project, targeting can be refined on several different factors (geographic, socio-demographic, behavioral and others).

2. Once the brief has been analyzed, our insight managers start the writing the questionnaire ✏ which will be broadcast on social networks. To improve the experience of our respondents, our experts ensure that the duration of our surveys does not exceed 15 minutes, so as not to leave participants out of breath. All our surveys are also adapted to the mobile format in order to offer a better response experience 😉.

3. Then we move on to the dissemination of the survey on social networks 📱 by our traffic managers. Discurv exploits The incredible potential of social networks to capture broad or niche targets, while being able to apply the quota method.

Discurv's agile methodology makes it possible to deliver turnkey results, very quickly 😎 (on average, a field lasts 5 days on social networks).

4. Finally, the data collected is sent to our Data Analyst and Insight managers, who carry out comprehensive and detailed analysis reports 📋. According to customer needs or the type ofconsumer study, Discurv offers various deliverables:

  • The filterable analyzed dynamic report;
  • The dynamic filterable one pager (i.e. the one-page summary of key insights, in the form of a dynamic infographic);
  • The executive summary;
  • Or even static infographics.

From the beginning to the end of the process, our experts ensure optimal support for our customers in their consumer surveys. Once all the analyses have been completed and presented by our experts, the company has all the cards in hand to achieve its goals and make the best decisions 😌!


If theconsumer study is now more than ever incorporated into brand strategies, it is not surprising. Make a good customer questionnaire allows the company to acquire a better knowledge of its targets by synthesizing their expectations and needs: all that remains is to provide relevant solutions via adapted products and services 😌!

Do you want to know more? Consult our FAQ page or contact us hither to share your study needs with us 😉.

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager