poll&roll platform

Consumer study: 6 best practices for a successful questionnaire

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
Do you want to know more about your consumers, understand their uses, attitudes or opinions, in order to improve your products or services? Nothing could be simpler: all you need to do is conduct a consumer study! But be careful: to obtain reliable survey results, you must ensure that your questionnaire is completed correctly. To achieve this, Discurv offers you 6 best practices for a successful questionnaire.


When it comes to understanding the opinions and behaviors of your customers or targets, nothing beatsconsumer study 🤩! Well designed, the study provides valuable data that helps businesses improve their offerings, better define their target audience, and develop better marketing strategies. However, to obtain accurate results, a good questionnaire must comply with certain guidelines. So Discurv shares with you these 6 best practices for designing a successful consumer study 👍.

What is a consumer study?

An essential tool for businesses, theconsumer study is a questionnaire conducted to understand the behaviors, opinions and attitudes of consumers towards a brand's products or services 💭. It is very useful for brands that want to develop a product, but also for any type of company that wants to develop its business: retailers, communities, media, real estate players, etc.

THEconsumer study allows companies to obtain crucial information about their target customers, and thus adjust their actions accordingly 😎: whether it is an analysis The impact of an advertising campaign, to know the level of satisfaction of its customers, to measure The reputation of a brand, or even to have a better knowledge of customers and non-customers.

It can be carried out through consumer panels, or, in a more innovative way, via the social networks 📱 like Discurv does.

Our 6 tips for a successful questionnaire!

If theconsumer study is the instrument of choice for companies, but it must be properly designed to be able to obtain significant results 🤔... Discover our 6 tips for writing an effective questionnaire for your consumer survey 😉: 

👀 Captivate and keep the attention of your respondents throughout the questionnaire. In order for participants not to get tired, you need to:

  • Giving meaning to your consumer study, by explaining its purpose at the beginning of it.
  • Privileging closed-ended questions.
  • Use friendly phrases to create a conversation atmosphere.
  • Take care of your transitions so that the respondent fully understands the logic and the process of the questionnaire.
  • Ask socio-demographic questions at the end, even if targeting carried out via social networks allows you to pre-sort your sample.

😌 Minimize respondents' efforts and simplify their reading as much as possible. To do this, all you need to do is:

  • Underline or bold important terms in your marketing study 
  • Suggest questions to be completed to avoid repetition. For example:
  • Suggest short answers so participants can focus more on the answer than on the question.

👀 Integrate visual elements that simplify reading, for example, by using pictograms to facilitate understanding, or by replacing text with an image where possible.

🔍 Vary the format of the questions as much as possible, alternating with photos, videos, or with the questions:

  • With unique answers
  • With pictograms (With responses from “very satisfied ✅✅” to “not at all satisfied ❌❌”)
  • With stars ⭐ in the form of an evaluation, which is much more intuitive for your survey participants
  • With beautiful images to select, that make you want to respond
  • Or with a cursor to position.
Exemple de question avec un curseur

🤔 Avoid questions that require effort on the part of the respondent as much as possible. To do this, try to replace the open questions through closed-ended questions, in particular for screening or screening questions which aim to determine whether the participant meets the eligibility criteria of the questionnaire. They can be based on socio-demographic criteria (age, sex, gender, place of residence, profession, etc.) or on behavioral criteria (buying habits, lifestyle, sports activities, etc.).
To reduce respondent effort, we also recommend that you split long lists into two separate questions.

🧠 Use an ergonomic and responsive platform, with a clean and modern design. And since consumers are more and more connected 📱, your platform must also adapt to all media (computer, mobile, tablet). Respondents should also be able to visualize their progress in the questionnaire. thanks to a progress bar, as Discurv does in its questionnaires.

Your questionnaire is in good hands!

You now have all the cards in hand to correctly complete your questionnaire as part of a consumer study 😌. But if building effective questionnaires isn't your strong suit, you can also trust the expertise of Discurv around marketing surveys !

Thanks to our insight manager team trained by renowned research institutes, we provide accurate and reliable insights to all our customers.

We write our customers' questionnaires as part of comprehensive support, with several revisions if necessary before the survey is distributed. However, if the customer has already written their questionnaire, our team can script it immediately on their platform Poll&roll 🔍 or, check its consistency in terms of methodology, and propose possible improvements in order to optimize the chances of recruitment.


THEconsumer study is a very powerful tool for businesses looking to better understand their customers and adapt their marketing strategy to meet market expectations 👌. By following these 6 best practices in writing your questionnaire, you are sure to succeed in your consumer survey and guide your business towards the right decision-making! 😄

Our team of experts remains at your disposal to support you in your needs in consumer study : Contact us hither to start the adventure with Discurv 😉

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager