Methodology & Expertise

Consumer studies on social networks: who can we ask?

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
Discurv invites you to discover the various targeting options offered by social media studies, which are now very popular in the world of consumer surveys. In this article, discover how these platforms now allow businesses to survey specific audiences, ranging from young people to seniors, from local to international consumers, and much more.


Today, thanks to studies on social networks, companies have the ability to question and understand the behaviors of various targets: Whether you are looking to survey a young or senior audience, to reach a restricted geographical area or more widely internationally, or to address a BtoB audience, Discurv invites you to explore the multiple possibilities of targeting via social media studies!

Interviewing an international target

Now, surveying an international audience is more than ever accessible thanks to the methodology of studies via social networks !

While today, thanks to consumer panels, it is possible to target internationally using country-specific panels, social networks, for their part, not only allow centralize several countries under a single provider, but also to reach countries that are sometimes difficult to reach through other collection methods.

Internationally, the precision of targeting makes it possible to select samples at the scale of an entire country, a region, a city or even a specific neighborhood. In addition, at Discurv, our quizzes are translated by native speakers, thus ensuring the relevance and understanding of the issues, and opening the door to rich and diversified comparative analyses.

For example, our team carried out a study for a padel racket brand, in order to understand the habits of players and enthusiasts across Europe: in just 10 days, we interviewed more than 1200 people coming from a variety of countries including France, United Kingdom, United Kingdom,, Belgium, Belgium, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, and Spain. This study, translated into more than 5 languages, in particular, allowed the brand to redefine its influence and communication strategy according to the specificities of each country.

Interviewing an audience that is exposed to specific content

Interviewing an audience that is exposed to specific content, such as an online advertising campaign, can be difficult using traditional panels... Fortunately, Studies on social networks offer the possibility of targeting individuals who have already been exposed to a campaign on these same networks.
By making Post advertising tests on social networks, companies can thus assess the rate of memorization of a campaign among the really exposed audience, measure the effectiveness of their communication strategies, and thus make adjustments in order to improve the performance of their next campaigns.

For example, when a cosmetics company asked us for a post-test study to measure the impact of a Twitch live stream, the feedback from 200 live viewers made it possible to assess the memory and the perception of the company, but also to anticipate the repercussions and to optimize future lives.
The drink brand Heineken also called on the services of Discurv to conduct a study on the overall performance of its online campaigns. More info hither on this case study!

Interviewing a young or senior target

Being used by all age groups, social networks make it possible to accurately reach a variety of audiences. For the younger generations particularly active on these platforms, networks like TikTok and Snapchat are unavoidable. The adaptation of visuals and hooks according to the uses specific to each platform also encourages active participation in our surveys. Note that targeting users can start as early as the age of 13 on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, and rather 18 years old for Snapchat.

For example, to understand the expectations of young people from Aquitaine towards banking offers, our team surveyed in nearly 15 days 300 young people aged 18 to 30 on social networks. In particular, this initiative made it possible to simultaneously identify irritants in existing customer journeys and to develop an offer more adapted to their needs.

Regarding seniors, their active presence on social networks such as facebook is becoming more and more pronounced, and they are particularly inclined to share their opinions on topics that concern them! For example, a study on Facebook and Instagram, conducted with 3000 people aged between 50 and 70, allowed a bank to understand how seniors in France plan to retire, and thus to feed their PR strategy.

Interviewing a local target

Les social media studies (on any social network) also make it possible to reach individuals passing through (occasional visitors, tourists...) or residents in very restricted geographical areas, such as a neighborhood for example anywhere in France!

For example, it is entirely possible to interview both frequenters and non-frequenters of a catchment area, for measure image, reputation and satisfaction of a shopping center. Discover the illustrated case of Nhood, a real estate services company that manages Aushopping shopping centers in France, in this Webinar made by our team and available hither.

Questioning a BtoB target

To interview professionals and BtoB targets, using social networks can be useful! The precision of targeting on these platforms makes it possible to target individuals based on their position, sector of activity, company size and more.

To ensure the relevance of our studies, we insert a Screening question in our surveys in order to validate the target to be interviewed. Studies on social networks thus represent an invaluable source of information for companies wishing to understand the needs and trends of the BtoB sector.

For example, a Madeinvote survey conducted with 300 French farmers thus made it possible to measure their level of knowledge about the crowndfounding and the reputation of existing companies on the market.

Ask your customers directly

Finally, studies on social networks also allow you to interview directly your customers by targeting, for example, The fans of your Facebook or Instagram pages.
In addition, on the Meta platform, you have the possibility to import a customer file : The information in this file, such as names and email addresses, is used to establish correspondence with Facebook and Instagram users. Before the file is sent to Meta to create the campaign, your customer data is converted via a “hash” system into a random code. This method is an alternative to email surveys, thus ensuring data confidentiality.

The addition of screening questions also allows us to distinguish customers from non-customers. It is an easily accessible and very inexpensive method for conducting surveys. In addition, consumers are generally very enthusiastic about the idea of helping their favorite brand in its decision-making!


Social media studies offer a variety of targeting options, ranging from an international target to a restricted audience exposed to specific content. By exploiting this powerful methodology, you will be able to gather valuable opinions from niche targets.

Do you want to start a study and address a specific target? Our teams are at your disposal to answer you! Contact us here.

Frequently asked questions:

How does a social media study work?

Surveys on social networks take the form of advertisements in a news feed or as a story on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok to collect the opinion of users, in France or abroad. Internet users, whether young or from different generations, are attracted by an advertisement that asks for their opinion on a subject that concerns them. Internet users will click on the ad and be redirected to an ergonomic questionnaire. Once they have answered the survey, the data collected is sorted, analyzed and used in order to be able to respond to a problem and draw conclusions on several subjects such as: image and reputation, usage and purchasing behavior or even to assign useful trends to our customer.

How to ensure the representativeness of a sample in a study on social networks?

Social networks have revolutionized the Internet all over the world and have millions of users. For example, the social network Facebook has nearly 40 million active monthly users, or more than 75% of French Internet users aged 2 and over of all ages, gender, and CSP combined. These social networks present a real pool of audiences available to respond to our studies on social networks. To ensure the representativeness of a sample in an online study on social networks, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the population on each platform. For example, to interview a BtoB target we will prefer Linkedin, or to interview a young target, we will rather opt for Instagram or TikTok. Just like on traditional panels, we apply the quota method on social networks, both on standard criteria (age, gender, CSP, region...) but also on more personalized criteria, tailor-made to the needs and the target target of our customers (customers of a brand, people with specific purchasing behavior, etc.).
When we need to interview a representative national sample, we make sure to broadcast neutral ads on social networks, so as not to bias the representativeness of the sample and avoid orienting the responses of Internet users or attracting an overly specific respondent profile.

Is a social media study paid?

The answer is no: in order to change traditional methods, a study on social networks is not paid. The primary objective is not to bias the mainly intrinsic motivation of our respondents. Through our targeted advertising, we highlight the theme of the study in a transparent manner to arouse their curiosity (excluding representative national surveys where no information is specified so as not to bias the representativeness of the respondents). The advantage of using social networks is that it allows more people to express themselves on topics that concern them on a daily basis, and which are usually unsolicited. The non-remuneration of our respondents also makes it possible to constantly renew the audience interviewed, guaranteeing a certain freshness in the answers and a better quality in the data collected. Find our advice in this article to create a fluid and effective questionnaire, allowing the collection of unpaid responses.

You have therefore understood it, thanks to our studies, on any social network you can interview your targets according to various and varied criteria. Here is an example of a profile to target:

  • women aged 18 to 35
  • men aged 25 to 35
  • The French population using the YouTube platform

With all this data and figures collected you can better get to know the behavior of your customers or users.

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager