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Start-ups: 5 tips for creating your online survey before launching your product

Rédigé par
Jennifer Chapelot

Start-ups: 5 tips for creating your online survey before launching your product

Posted by Jennifer Chapelot on March 14, 2019

You've probably heard it dozens of times: comparing your idea to your (future) consumers is a key step before launching a product.

Discover our 5 tips for creating a Successful survey !

1 — Set goals!

Before you start writing your questionnaire head in hand, it is essential to ask yourself the following question: “What information do I need to ensure the success of my product ? ”

Below is a list of the most common goals when you want Test your concept.

Our advice: choose 3 or 4 key objectives, and use them as guides to write your questionnaire.

  • Understanding the market and its consumers: who are they? What brands do they know? What are they buying?
  • Measure the Potential of his idea, validate its attractiveness
  • Identify areas for improvement for Optimize your concept
  • Decide between different versions of your offer
  • Validate the price of your product or his service
  • Know the profile of its users/potential customers

2 — Choosing the right target

As Start-up or project leader, we often have a preconceived, or even a bit simplistic, idea of the consumers our product is aimed at. This stereotypical vision is very useful for marketing your product, but when testing your idea, it is important to keep an open mind in order to avoid missing out on potential buyers.

Our advice: Interviewing a broad audience Will allow you to assess the overall potential of your idea and to make more accurate financial extrapolations. You can always “zoom in” on your heart of the target when analyzing the results.

We explain to you everything you need to know to be good Define your target In this item.

Définir sa cible de sondage

3- Take care of the writing of your questionnaire

As my dad often said “stupid question, stupid answer! ” This adage also applies when you want conduct a survey. One well-written questionnaire and well-articulated is essential for harvesting reliable and quality data.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when Writing a questionnaire :

  • Use simple language and avoid technical jargon
  • Structure your questionnaire from the most general to the most specific
  • Limit open-ended questions (1 or 2 maximum): in addition to being long and difficult to analyze, respondents get tired of answering them very quickly

Our advice: do Reread your questionnaire by someone external to your project. She will be able to tell you if your concept is well explained, if the questions are linked together clearly and if the vocabulary you use is not too technical.

Need help with write your questionnaire ? Find all our advice in This article.

Rédaction du questionnaire

4 — Don't ask just anyone

Very often, your target represents thousands of potential consumers. It is therefore impossible to interview all of them. So what can you do to be sure to select the right people who will respond to our surveying ?

The key is to build a swatch called “representative”, to ensure that the fundamental characteristics of your target are found in your sample in identical proportions. We tell you more hither.

It is only under this condition of representativeness that The results of your survey can be extrapolated to your entire target, and used to make financial and commercial forecasts.

Our advice: if you want to use your results to draw up your business plan or to convince funders, Poll&Roll works in partnership with best online consumer panels to guarantee you quality results and representative of your target.

5 — Analyze your results in depth

To get the most out of the results of your surveying, don't be afraid to dive into the data. Do not hesitate, for example, to “zoom in” on different subgroups to observe differences in behavior and attractiveness for your product.

Our advice: focus your analysis on people who are interested in your project and don't waste your time with those who are not.

The platform Poll&Roll allows you to filter your results, or to cross questions between them in a few clicks, to simplify your task. Test for yourself with our online demo

Discover our tips and tools for conducting a reliable survey, simply on

Jennifer Chapelot
COO de Discurv et membre fondatrice de poll&roll.