Methodology & Expertise

Satisfaction survey: everything you need to know!

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
To know the opinion of your customers about your company, its products and services, nothing could be easier: all you have to do is conduct a satisfaction survey 😉! The pinnacle of customer satisfaction evaluation, the survey is the most beneficial tool in terms of data collection.


Do you know the famous proverb “The customer is king”? 👑 This simple sentence summarizes the involvement that every business must have in order to retain its customers. And to attract the good graces of your king, what better way than to know his expectations and respond effectively to his needs! This is where thesatisfaction survey intervenes, because for gather, evaluate, and quantify the customer experience, it is undoubtedly the best tool on the market.

Satisfaction survey: definition and types

What is a satisfaction survey?

If it is also important for a company to collect the opinions of its customers, it is because they make it possible to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the company 👌. This is reliable data that businesses use to optimize their marketing actions and build customer loyalty. So if you too want to improve your marketing performance through feedback, the best way to do so is to carry out a customer satisfaction survey.

Essential to the development of customer experience, it is an approach that aims to collect and analyze the level of satisfaction of a group of customers 🤝. It makes it possible to make the link between the experience desired by a brand and that perceived by the public. The satisfaction questionnaire can focus on a particular product, service, or be more global and detailed to measure how customers perceive a business or brand. Feedback is collected through online questionnaires, by e-mail, by telephone, or increasingly via social networks like Discurv polls📱.

The objective of a satisfaction survey is therefore to analyze and highlight The elements that influence customer satisfaction. These factors then allow businesses toIdentify areas for improvement 🔍, for example product quality, after-sales service... etc.

What are the different types of satisfaction surveys?

Depending on the nature of the information sought, there are different customer satisfaction surveys :

  • 👍 The CSAT (Customer Satisfaction)
  • 🧠 The method NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • 💪 And the CES (Customer Effort Score)

First of all, we have the CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Which consists of measure overall customer satisfaction. It makes it possible to identify the percentage of customers satisfied with products, services or the overall experience with a brand.
A CSAT questionnaire generally consists of:

  • Open questions : “Are you happy with this brand?”
  • And of Questions to Likert scale : to graduate an answer of “Very satisfied” unto “Not at all satisfied” or even put a score between 0 and 10.

In the family of satisfaction surveys, it is the most suitable for analyzing customer reviews and therefore determining needs and identifying problems to be solved.
For example, to assess the satisfaction and expectations of visitors to a shopping center, our team Discurv has made a satisfaction questionnaire distributed on social networks for the agglomeration of Saint Quentin en Yvelines. The answers of 2,600 participants allowed the community to identify prospects for the development of the commercial center and to define areas for improvement to make the area a more attractive neighborhood 😎.

In second position, the method NPS (Net Promoter Score)) is undoubtedly thesatisfaction survey the most used of the three, because it offers relevant analysis on The attachment of customers to a brand and its products/services. It is a short survey that is measured using questions at scale :

  • “How likely are you to recommend this brand/product/service to those around you?”
  • “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you recommend this service/product to a friend or colleague?”

In 2021, in order to understand the causes of a drop in traffic observed in a German food chain, we targeted loyal, occasional and abandoned customers of several points of sale using our Madein360 🔍 tool. The insights obtained as a result ofNPS survey via social networks have enabled the company to detect points of rupture and dissatisfaction among its customers, in order to then act quickly on future performances.
So the NPS is a Indicator of recommendation authority (virality) of a brand. The higher it is, the more customers will tend to speak naturally about the brand.

We identify 3 types of customers according to the NPS rating they give :

Last but not least, we have the THESE (Customer Effort Score) which, as its name suggests, allowsEvaluate the effort made by a customer to satisfy his needs during the buying process 💪: accessing customer service, making a purchase, making a complaint, returning an item to the after-sales service etc. This is an excellent indicator to assess the fluidity of the customer journey.

For this method, the following sample question is usually used: “On a scale of 1 to 10, how much effort did you have to put in to...”, or “What level of effort did you have to make to contact our service department?”.

Why do a satisfaction survey?

A solid customer relationship is based on understanding customer expectations, allowing satisfaction to be accurately measured. Well-designed customer surveys that are tailored to customer needs are essential for assessing overall satisfaction.

Evaluating customer satisfaction is therefore essential to measuring a company's marketing performance. While brands are becoming more and more aware of the situation, some are still hesitant to take the plunge or consider this approach secondary or even useless. So why is it important to do a satisfaction survey ? 🤔

First of all, knowing the satisfaction or non-satisfaction of your target audience is a decisive lever for maintaining a good relationship with your customers. Asking the right questions, getting the answers and acting accordingly: that's the secret to strengthening your customers' love for your business ❤️! However, we must not forget that it is a love that evolves and can change depending on the factors.

That's why we recommend our Discurv customers toassess their NPS and customer satisfaction on a monthly or annual basis in order to observe the evolution of their customer loyalty. This makes it possible to determine whether or not they have succeeded in meeting the expectations of their customers, and therefore in retaining them. To improve satisfaction, it is imperative to check customer satisfaction regularly and to deal with complaints from proactively.

Customer experience is now a top priority for marketing professionals. And for good reason! No consumer wants to have a relationship with a brand that doesn't understand their needs or expectations. Nowadays, a good customer experience is a very important indicator for brands, but also for customers 😉. In some cases, it may even become A differentiation criterion !

Businesses therefore have every interest in investing in the customer experience if they want to observe significant improvements in all areas : brand awareness, revenue, return on investment, customer satisfaction and loyalty... etc 😎. In other words, Feedback is a key indicator to ensure that your business stays on track.

For example, to redefine its commercial strategy and positioning, the asbestos removal company BEST called on Discurv to launch a big satisfaction survey 🔍 on its products with its customers and non-customers (350 decision-makers and/or users of products/services related to asbestos removal).
The analysis of the results allowed the company to classify various indicators that could impact customer satisfaction, but also to detect and understand geographic disparities. Les satisfied customers are more prone to recommend a brand through word of mouth, thus strengthening brand image.

If today The importance of customer experience is more than obvious, we can see that a large part of companies do not yet have a clearly defined strategy to improve it. Without relevant information and concrete data, they still don't know how to do it effectively 🤔. That's why brands can turn to Discurv And its customer satisfaction survey solutions via social networks.

Evaluate reviews, comments, and suggestions allows you to maintaining the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers, while making improvements to your products and services. Si 62% of businesses decided to get started and invest in customer experience, it is probably not without reason. So what are you waiting for to join the adventure? 😉

Our advice for your satisfaction survey

Satisfaction survey: Best practices!

⌚ Respect the timing : Good timing is the key to success and satisfaction surveys are no exception! It is essential to Conduct your investigation at the right time. The situation that the client is going to assess must be still recent in order to obtain relevant answers.

📱 Conduct responsive surveys
: Today, We spend an average of 5 hours a day on our mobile phones. It is therefore essential toOptimize your satisfaction surveys with responsive questions, i.e. adapted on the mobile, in order to gather as many responses as possible.
At Discurv, we precisely favor social networks because they are a very relevant source of information in the world of marketing research.

⏳ Indicate the duration of the survey : It is essential to mention (without lying!) the time required to complete the entire satisfaction questionnaire. It is very unpleasant for a respondent who was told that one minute was enough to answer, to realize that after five minutes, the survey is far from over.
That is why it is useful to mention The number of questions left Or dIndicate the progress of the questionnaire as a percentage in your satisfaction survey.

🤫 Communicate about the anonymity of the answers : The ability to guarantee the anonymity of responses is undoubtedly one of the best advantages of online surveys. If you don't ask respondents to provide their names or personal information, they will be more confident and will therefore demonstrate more honesty in their responses.

And of course, The measurement scales customer satisfaction should be adapted to the specificityS of every business To bring a maximum satisfaction.

Succeed in your satisfaction survey: things to avoid!

😓 Quizzes that are too long : Very important thing, avoid questionnaires that are too long! The public doesn't want to waste time answering surveys (no matter how well constructed they are). Most satisfaction surveys are more effective if they include Fewer than 10 questions. Our team Discurv, conduct short surveys to measure the satisfaction of your customers, because they promote a high response rate and therefore better results.

🤯 Use complex vocabulary : It is essential to use simple vocabulary in your survey. The aim is to do not cause confusion among consumers : If they start to dwell on the terms of a question, they are unlikely to complete the survey. The questions in your satisfaction survey should therefore not leave room for interpretation.

😕 Use biased formulations: Neutrality is the key to success! It is imperative to avoid directing responses to obtain unbiased results. Les “don't you think that...”, “would you say that you are...”, “that's good, right? ” and others are therefore to be avoided in order to pass your satisfaction survey.

🎁 Offer “rewards” to respondents : Offering compensation can seriously compromise the sincerity of the results of the satisfaction survey! Respondents may be more motivated by the reward rather than by their desire to express themselves... This type of incentive can also bias the representativeness of participants : If you offer a certain type of product, you will not always motivate the same audience to participate in the survey.
At Madeinvote, we take care to maintain the impartiality of our respondents by offering no compensation in our satisfaction surveys : The only “reward” is to be able to simply and freely share your opinion on topics that concern them 😌.


In the end, understanding what your customers think about your brand is very important for the customer experience, and therefore for your marketing performance. Make a customer satisfaction survey allows you to determine and monitor your company's NPS, to understand the main causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and to identify areas for improvement and solutions to remedy problems.

Measuring customer satisfaction is not limited to a simple barometer; it requires a thorough analysis the level of satisfaction and the data collected. Satisfaction analysis allows to identify areas for improvement, which is essential forr improve customer satisfaction as a whole.

That's why many businesses are now giving The priority on the customer experience. And you, what place do you want to give to the customer experience? 😉

To make your satisfaction survey, it's very simple, you can trust Discurv and its expertise in consumer insights and studies via social networks. Do you want to know more? Contact us hither to share your needs in terms of studies with us!

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager