Methodology & Expertise

Reputation study: Effectively measure the reputation of your brand

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
If consumers don't know your brand, chances are they won't buy your products or services... But how do you develop a strategy to avoid that? Thanks to brand awareness 😎! To ensure the visibility of your business on the market, Discurv invites you to learn how to define, optimize and measure good brand awareness.


La notoriety Branded plays a decisive role in the consumer buying process because it can determine the customer's final choice over other competing options. That's why businesses today are constantly looking to improve their reputation with their targets. But to go in the right direction, it's best to avoid moving blindfolded! Yes, before improving its popularity, it is necessary to know its level of notoriety. But then... How do you measure brand awareness?

What is brand awareness?

La brand awareness, or Brand awareness, it's simply the presence of a brand in the minds of buyers 😎.

In other words, it refers to how well consumers know or recognize a brand, compared to others. For example, if you are asked to name a phone brand, it is likely that “Apple” or “Samsung” are the first to come to mind: that's the brand awareness. But it's not just about being popular, it's also about what a company is famous for and its products.

Unconsciously, the reputation of a brand has a considerable influence on consumer buying behavior: consumers will be more likely to prefer a brand they already know, and of which they maintain a positive opinion, over another. A good brand awareness therefore encourages buyers to favor a company and its products over its competitors 👌.

It is not for nothing that fame is theOne of the most followed marketing indicators by top managers and managers 😉! Valuable measure, 89% specialists place brand recognition at the top of their priorities, because it makes it possible to monitor the company's progress in its market.

Assisted reputation vs spontaneous notoriety: what are the differences?

You will have understood it well, the brand awareness is certainly one of the main assets of a company. While the term “reputation” is still quite broad in the field of marketing, we can generally differentiate between 2 types of Brand awareness : Assisted notoriety and spontaneous fame.

- Spontaneous fame

First of all, the spontaneous fame, that is the answer to the question” What are all the brands or products/services in this field that you know, even by name? ” 🤔. Also called brand memorization, it refers to the percentage of people who instinctively quote a brand and its products, following a question asked. Spontaneous responses are collected through open questions and make it possible to assess the level of importance and accessibility of a brand for its buyers:”When you think of a refrigerator, what are all the brands that come to mind?”

Exemple d'une question mesurant la notoriété spontanée
Example of a spontaneous reputation question broadcast in a Madeinvote survey


When a brand is mentioned first, we talk about top of mind fame, which is the ultimate goal to achieve in terms of brand recognition. For example, the consumer answers a question such as: “What is the first car brand that comes to mind, spontaneously?


- Assisted reputation

In contrast, the Assisted reputation or brand recognition, refers The number of people who recognize a company through an influence or an incentive. Unlike spontaneous fame where the public is invited to recall impulsively, here they are invited to recognize a brand or its logo based on an indication, for example with a list of competing brands or logos:

Exemple de question pour mesurer la notoriété assistée
Example of an assisted awareness question broadcast in a Madeinvote survey

How to measure brand awareness?


Measure lThe reputation of a brand gives an idea of the importance that the public attaches to a business. It is a very useful indicator for companies that want to assess their performance as well as the effectiveness of their marketing actions 😉. Unfortunately, the notoriety is not a statistic that can be calculated using a simple formula... It is however possible to evaluate it using other indicators.

📱 On social networks:

From Facebook to Instagram, via Pinterest, social networks ensure great visibility for brands. The numerous indicators they offer make it possible to effectively monitor the evolution of a brand in terms of notoriety : the evolution of the number of subscribers, the volume of impressions, the number of impressions, the”Earned Media”, the reach rate, the engagement rate... there is plenty to choose from!


💻 On the website:

There are two types of traffic on a website that must be monitored to assess the reputation of a brand :

  • The direct traffic, whenone user Type the URL of the site directly into the address bar. This usually means they are already familiar with the brand.
  • The global traffic, in other words the number of people who visit the website. It also indicates the number of users who interact with the site's content on a daily or monthly basis.

Other key indicators should also be taken into consideration to measure the Brand awareness, suchlike Brand search volume in search engines or The number of Backlinks present on the site: the more backlink traffic increases, the more brand awareness also increases 😄. These indicators can be collected on the Google Search Console or via powerful SEO tools like SEMrush, Yooda or Ahrefs.

📰 In the media:

The press, and even blogs, can have a huge impact on brand awareness monitoring. In particular, we can analyze the Press coverage or even media reach blog posts.

💡 Through quantitative surveys:

Interviewing the public via quantitative studies is undoubtedly the most traditional method (and the most effective!) to assess brand awareness. Les consumer studies are of great use for businesses because they make it possible to effectively interview current and prospective customers of a brand to obtain their perceptions of the company 😎. Chez Madeinvote, we make ultra-targeted consumer studies on social networks, in order to obtain accurate and complete results on the reputation of our client companies 👌.

How to improve brand awareness?

Strengthen sound Brand awareness is therefore an essential step for companies that want to achieve their marketing goals! Good reputation is the assurance of a strong brand, based on a community of loyal and committed customers 😁. This is why businesses have every interest in developing strategies to increase their brand awareness with their target audience. But then, how do we do it? 🤔

Fortunately, for businesses that don't know where to start, there are now several ways to optimize their reputation:


👀 Advertising : From television to radio to social networks, you can find advertising everywhere... and it's not surprising! Les Ads are now one of the best tools for brands looking to improve their brand awareness by attracting the attention of a large audience. For this, it is important to do targeted advertising in order to obtain better results.

📱 Communication : Today, it is imperative for a business to have a good Online communication and offline.

  • La Online communication refers to all communication made on the Internet, including Social networks. With a good social media strategy, it is possible to radically improve brand awareness online: good online visibility is essential for businesses that want to ensure their sustainability!
  • In addition, there is also the Offline communication which includes all The Off-the-internet marketing actions (such as events, press and media relations, not to be overlooked either!).

👂 Recommendation and word-of-mouth thanks to quality products and services : Unsurprisingly, consumers are much more likely to recommend or promote a brand they've had a positive experience. The quality of products and services plays an important role in the customer experience.

🤝 The partnerships : Celebrities, micro-influencer or even a blogger... using partnerships is a good way to increase brand recognition! If influencer marketing is becoming more and more popular, it is not without reason 😉: influencers have an undeniable impact on brand awareness that they highlight. According to a study* conducted by Discurv, 84% of French people have already discovered a brand or a product/service thanks to the influencers they follow. Influencers also play an undeniable role in the purchase decisionAnd, since 37% of French people have already purchased a product or service following the recommendation of an influencer. Access the full results of the study hither.

🥳 The events : In addition to being very entertaining, events help businesses enormously to strengthen their relationships with their customers, as estimated by more than 50% of marketers.

🔍 The natural referencing (SEO) : The place of a company on the results page of a search engine is an element that should not be minimized! On the Internet, users have access to a very large choice of products and brands via search engines. And the farther a site is from the first page, the less likely it is to be noticed by its target audience... 😕 To try to get first place (and therefore improve its brand awareness), it is imperative that optimize your natural referencing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

😎 Se differentiate from the competition : In a world where competition is tough and numerous, standing out inevitably requires a good brand awareness. And in terms of notoriety, the importance of the brand personality ! A good brand personality inevitably increases customer trust and engagement.

* study carried out by Discurv in August 2022 among 500 French people aged 16 to 49, representative of the French population in terms of sex, age, socio-professional category and regions.

Measure your reputation thanks to our ultra-targeted studies on social networks!

In the end, strengthen its brand awareness is a complex process, which includes numerous strategies and tips, both online and offline... But you still need to know where to start! “What is the level of awareness of my brand? How is my business perceived by my target audience? What are the needs or areas for improvement?” To answer all these questions, all you need to do is measure your brand awareness. And to measure it effectively, you can count on the expertise of Discurv And its consumer studies on social networks 😉!

“Yes but... Why should I use the Discurv study methodology to measure my brand awareness?”

As we know, Social networks constitute a space rich in exchanges, many of which are linked to brands. It is not surprising if 54% of people search for products via social networks : from recommendations to public critics, users can spend hours trying to get the smallest information about brands and their products. So it is a first-choice place to measure your reputation 😉!

Not to mention that in terms of targeting, The social networks Are a real gold mine : With more than 4.95 billion of people connected to the Internet, they undoubtedly represent the largest consumer panel in the world 🌎! Our technology Unique Poll&Roll allows us to access a multitude of targeting criteria, according to the needs of our customers (geographical criteria, demographics, interests... and many others!)

With the help of social networks, Discurv assists you in the analysis of your brand awareness With ultra-targeted, comprehensive and accurate image and reputation studies 💬. Depending on the expectations and objectives of your business, our Insight and Data experts advise and guide you in all stages of your survey, from the creation of the questionnaire to the oral presentation of the results, including the distribution of your survey.

Thanks to a Fame questionnaire, you can compare the results and effectively check the positioning of your brand in the face of the competition. For example, in order to develop its brand in a constantly evolving competitive market, a major French shoe brand 👠 called on Discurv to better know its buyers and non-buyers, and thus measure the image and reputation of the brand and its main competitors.

For this reputation survey, Discurv interviewed more than 1000 buyers and non-buyers representative of the French population (in terms of age, gender, regions and CSP). This study allowed the shoe brand to Understand the buying habits of French people in this sector, but also to assess the profile, perception and expectations of customers and prospects vis-à-vis the brand: enough to effectively improve its positioning on the market in terms of image, attendance, and (you will have understood it) notoriety 😄!

Brand awareness can also be measured with post-test consumer studies, to assess the impact on your brand after the launch of a product or a communication campaign for example.


In short, the brand awareness allows you to define the popularity of a company and its products. Consumers need to be aware of the existence of a brand or product, otherwise they are unlikely to choose it at the time of purchase. That is why, improving your reputation is essential 😎. While there are many opportunities to increase brand recognition, it is necessary to measure brand recognition in advance in order to have an idea of the points to improve, and thus ensure the sustainability of your company.

You want to measure your brand awareness ? Or do you simply want to know more about our study methodology? Do not hesitate to visit our page FAQS, or contact us to share your needs with us!

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager