Methodology & Expertise

Pre test: measure the attractiveness of your future campaigns

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
Are you planning to launch a new communication campaign to promote a product or service? Do you want to make sure you have chosen the right visuals, claims, colors etc. before broadcasting it? Discurv invites you to discover the advertising pre-test, the best tool to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign before it is broadcast 😉


The pre-test study plays a major role in a business strategy, as it optimizes the creative aspects of a campaign before it is launched. But before you burn the steps, what is a advertising pre-test exactly? 🤔

Pre test: definition and objectives

The advertising pre-test Is a consumer study which consists in measuring the attractiveness of an advertisement before it is launched 👌. Contrary to The study post-test which aims to assess the impact of an advertisement after it has been broadcast, the purpose of pre-test is to determine if the advertising message will meet the expected objectives, or if it is necessary to make changes to it before it is broadcast.

The advertising pre-test can be achieved by a qualitative study and/or quantitative study, and it generally has two objectives: businesses use it, either to select the most effective advertising 💡 among various options, or to evaluate a final creation with the target audience 🔍 by testing different indicators such as the catchphrase or the colors used.

Pre-test study: What are the key indicators identified?

Now that we've laid the groundwork for advertising pre-test, let's move on to the second step: What are the indicators to take into account during a pre-test study? 🤔 To better understand how a message is perceived by a target audience, several elements can be measured:

❤️ The “Liking” or the appreciation of advertising: By asking participants to your pre-test whether or not they like the ad, you can measure the emotional impact of your message and its ability to capture the audience's attention. For this purpose, questions are generally used to Likert scale. So for the example “Do you like this commercial?”, participants should be given the choice between answers that range from”Yes, a lot ✅✅” to”No, not at all ❌❌”.

🖼 The Creative Diagnosis: By using open questions In your study pre-test, you can identify what you like and what you don't like, such as typography, colors, visuals, etc. Open-ended questions don't influence participants' answers.

🧠 Memorization: What did the public take away from your advertising campaign? This information makes it possible to measure the effectiveness of an advertisement in conveying a message. You can also ask as an open question”What did you learn from the ad?

👀 The Tachistoscope : Displaying an advertisement quickly (3, 5 or 10 seconds) allows you to determine what catches the eye and what the participants, and therefore your target audience, will remember first.

😎 Brand image : It is possible to measure the impact of an advertisement on the perception of your brand. To do this, we ask your participants What your advertising conveys in terms of brand image: “To what extent does this advertising project the brand's image as a modern, innovative and health-conscious company?”

💸 Intent to buy: By interviewing the participants of your pre-test study if they would be ready to use your product or service, you can measure the potential of your advertising to generate sales:”How ready would you be to buy this product/use this service?”

Pre-test advertising via social networks: use of paired samples

Chez Discurv, we can do a advertising pre-test on one or more ads 😎. We produce and distribute exclusively our surveys via the social networks 📱, in order to obtain sincere, committed and representative answers.

To ensure reliable results, we use the method of Monadic test With paired samples, where each ad is presented to a sample of the same composition. This makes it possible to compare results between various populations without taking into account the different variables associated with each profile. The objective is to explain the differences observed only in terms of exposure to these contents 🔍.

Some examples of pre-tests carried out by Madeinvote

Chez Discurv, we very regularly produce advertising pre-tests for our customers.

For example, as part of future communication around its eco-responsible commitments 🌍, the Heineken brand wants to know the opinion of beer drinkers and non-drinkers 🍺. To meet this request, our team of insight managers created a pre-test on various eco-responsible commitments, by interviewing a matched sample of 450 beer drinkers and non-beer drinkers, aged between 18 and 35. In 5 days, this survey conducted on social networks made it possible to analyze the eco-responsible image of Heineken among French people and to prioritize the key messages to be communicated to make their customers aware of the brand's ecological commitment.

In another example, in order to recruit the best candidates, a eyeglass brand 👓 sought to measure the effectiveness of different catchphrases for its future employer brand recruitment campaign. For this, social media polls 📱 were broadcast with various profiles such as opticians, audioprosthetists, experienced retailers, logisticians and digital and marketing professionals. En 10 days, 500 answers were obtained to help the brand develop an effective recruitment campaign and select the best creative aspects for their posters (message, image, color).

In a third example, a major player in the cosmetics industry 💄 recently decided to change the packaging of its hair care brand. For this, the brand has collaborated with Discurv by making a pre-test study to its audience. This questionnaire made it possible to test various Claims on a sample of 500 women aged 18 to 54, users of luxury shampoo brands and living in the United States. The survey, carried out using a monadic method, made it possible to assess the effectiveness of each Claim on various key characteristics and to gather relevant insights on the Claim generating the most purchase intent.

At the end of this investigation, the brand was in a position to:

  • 🔍 Review the packaging of its products based on the results obtained
  • ❤️ Optimize the impact of the new brand image on its customers
  • 👍 And maximize the chances of a successful launch of the new line of hair products.


The advertising pre-test is an essential step in planning an advertising campaign, as it allows you to verify the effectiveness and perception of the advertising message before it is broadcast and thus rethink or validate your creative choices 😎. Whatever the communication project, thepre-test study allows you to verify that your message is effectively reaching your target audience and that creative intentions are properly understood.

Do you want to know more? visit our FAQ page or contact us hither to share with us your needs in terms of pre-test studies 😉.

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager