Methodology & Expertise

Marketing barometer: what you need to know

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Amélie Curel
Discover all aspects of the marketing barometer: from the definition of this type of study to the key indicators to monitor, as well as our tips and best practices for a successful marketing barometer. Through concrete examples, discover how the barometer offers valuable insights to monitor the evolution of your brand's KPIs.


The term” marketing barometer ” evokes much more than a simple analysis tool. In fact, it makes it possible to accurately decode consumer expectations but also to anticipate trends, and position a company at the very heart of its market. Throughout this article, we'll detail the different types of marketing barometers, from definitions to practical applications, while providing you with the knowledge you need to make the best use of this type of study.

So how can the marketing barometer play a role in your strategic choices ? How can data analytics impact the future of your business? Let us help you understand how this tool can play a critical role in your development. 🚀

Definition of the marketing barometer

A. Definition of the concept of “Marketing Barometer”

The marketing barometer is a analytical tool that measures and evaluates various aspects of the market, products, and public opinions in a manner periodical. The marketing barometer represents much more than a simple data collection, it helps companies to understand the dynamics and evolutions of the market.

It allows you to understand the variations in consumer behavior, to anticipate market changes and to adapt your strategy accordingly. In short, the marketing barometer allows businesses to stay agile, competitive, and to make the right decisions in order to ensure their long-term success. 🌐

B. Key indicators to watch

The marketing barometer includes key indicators that are essential to any effective marketing strategy. Among them:

- Customer satisfaction : Indicates the quality of the user experience and the level of adherence to a product or service. 😊

- Brand image : reflects the overall perception that consumers have of the company.

- Market trends : makes it possible to anticipate developments and changes on the market.

- Notoriety : assesses the recognition and visibility of the brand. 👁️

- Buying behaviors : reveal changing consumer preferences. 🛒

C. How does a marketing barometer work?

The marketing barometer actually works in several steps:

- The writing of a questionnaire by insight experts to meet your challenges

- Followed by data collection using surveys on social networks or via panels, among a target population, according to well-defined objectives and key indicators.

- Once the data is collected, it is analyzed thoroughly to deliver actionable results.

- The results obtained thus allow them to be used for strategic decision-making. 🔄

The types of marketing barometers

The marketing barometer is divided into several categories, each with its own objectives and offering insights on different aspects of the market:

- Sectoral barometer

The sector barometer is an evaluation tool that focuses on a specific sector of activity. Its objective is to measure and monitor developments, performances and trends in this sector. For example, a Artificial Intelligence Barometer can provide insight into trends and developments in this constantly evolving field. Likewise, a Sustainable Tourism Barometer provides information on consumer behaviors and expectations in the environmentally friendly tourism sector. 🌿

- Image barometer

The image barometer makes it possible to evaluate and monitor the perception, the repute Or the popularity of a brand, a company or a product to a target audience. It is essential for understanding stakeholder perceptions.

For example, it can measure the reputation of a brand and follow its evolution over time, offering information for positioning and marketing strategies that strengthen the brand image. 🌟

- Satisfaction barometer

The satisfaction barometer assesses the Level of satisfaction customers or users towards a company, a product or a service. By collecting data on satisfaction, continuous improvement and customer loyalty are ensured by identifying strengths to be strengthened and areas to be improved.

For example, a satisfaction barometer could assess customer satisfaction in relation to the speed of customer service. The results of this barometer will allow the implementation of actions continuous improvement to offer an optimal customer experience.

- Opinion barometer

The opinion barometer, in turn, assesses the opinions and attitudes of a sample of the population. This type of barometer, whether on political, social, economic or cultural issues, offers a valuable perspective on societal trends and feelings. It can be particularly useful for anticipating social changes and adapting strategies accordingly.

- Behaviour barometer

It analyzes the evolution of consumer behaviors : from the frequency of consumption to the adoption of new products or services. Unlike barometers that focus on opinions or emotions, this one focuses on concrete actions And the observable habits.

For example, it can help understand which products are gaining popularity or how shopping habits are changing. This information makes it possible to adjust the offers and to meet market expectations. 🛍️

The benefits of the marketing barometer

- Decision-making support with reliable data

The marketing barometer has the ability to provide data reliable and valuable, which is one of its main advantages. With reliable data, decision makers are better equipped to make informed decisions and make strategic choices. 📊

- Identifying opportunities

The marketing barometer identifies existing and future opportunities in the market. By analyzing data, businesses can identify untapped markets, understand the changing needs of consumers and anticipate trends. Identifying opportunities before they become obvious to everyone makes it easier to stay ahead of the competition. 🎯

- Improving marketing performance

Businesses can adjust their communication campaigns, improve the effectiveness of marketing channels, and strengthen the customer loyalty by evaluating customer satisfaction, brand image, and other key metrics. This leads to more accurate and effective campaigns.

- Trend monitoring

The marketing barometer is used to observe trends and offers a vision of the evolution of the market. By following emerging trends, businesses can anticipate changes in consumer behavior, technological advances, and competitive movements. This ability to follow trends allows you to stay nimble and to adapt swiftly to a constantly changing environment. 📈

Best practices for a successful marketing barometer

The success of a marketing barometer doesn't just depend on data collection. For results to be useful and relevant, it is essential to:

- 🔄 Reproduce the same conditions between studies : in order to guarantee the consistency of the results. This includes creating population quotas, selecting specific times of the year to minimize seasonal variations, and standardizing data collection methods.

- 🎯 Choosing relevant key indicators : the success of your barometer depends largely on the careful choice of key indicators. Make sure these metrics are aligned with your specific goals and provide a clear vision of what you want to assess.

- ⏰ Respect the timing : conduct your studies at the right time to collect representative data. For example, if you want to conduct a customer satisfaction assessment following a new product release, be sure to do so shortly after launch in order to get fresh and relevant feedback.

- 📱 Conduct responsive surveys and specify the duration : adapt your surveys to make them responsive, thus facilitating the participation of respondents on mobile devices. In addition, clearly indicate the estimated length of the survey, the number of questions left, and the progress of the questionnaire. This encourages participation and allows respondents to better manage their time.

- 🤐 Communicate about the anonymity of the answers : Establish a climate of trust by ensuring the anonymity of responses. Respondents will more easily provide honest and candid information, thus strengthening the quality of the data collected.

- 🎙️ Use reliable collection methods : Determine reliable data collection methods based on your goals. Online surveys can reach a larger number of people, while telephone or face-to-face surveys may be more appropriate for certain populations. Adapt your strategy according to your target audience.

- Guarantee a good representativeness of the sample : this involves diversifying demographic profiles to avoid potential biases and ensure the validity of the results.

- ⏳ Conduct barometers regularly : schedule regular barometers to get continuous data. This not only makes it possible to identify short-term trends, but also to identify long-term patterns and developments.

- 📊 Take into account past results : do not overlook the importance of the results of previous surveys. Analyzing historical data will provide you with important information about how indicators have changed over time, making it easier to understand trends.

How to set up a marketing barometer?

A marketing barometer uses rigorous methods to collect, analyze, and interpret data in order to understand the business environment. Here are the main steps for setting up a marketing barometer:

1. Define goals : Identify the areas you want to assess, whether it's customer satisfaction or brand image. Then select the key indicators that will be closely linked to these goals to ensure the relevance of the data collected.

2. Choosing the key indicators : customer satisfaction, brand awareness, market trends, or other industry- or product-specific metrics may be included in this choice.

3. Collect data : choose data collection methods adapted to your goals. Online surveys, social media quizzes (as offered by Discurv), and direct interactions offer effective ways to gather data in a fast and engaging way.

4. Analyzing the data : after data collection, a thorough analysis is carried out to obtain relevant information. Data can be combined into a Dashboard centralized, allowing you to visualize and

easily compare the results of previous barometers. It also makes it easier to identify trends and make decisions.

5. Interpreting the results : this stage often involves understanding cause and effect relationships, contextualizing data, and drawing conclusions relevant to marketing strategy. Use insight experts who can provide in-depth analysis and offer strategic recommendations. By interpreting the results correctly, you can convert raw data into useful information for your next marketing actions.

6. Communicate the results 🗣️ : Stakeholders, including internal decision makers, marketing teams, and external partners, should be provided with a clear and concise presentation of results.

7. Adjust strategies : finally, businesses use the insights obtained to adjust their marketing strategies. Depending on the trends identified, this may include changes in communication strategy, brand positioning or even the launch of new products.

The marketing barometer therefore works as a continuous cycle of information that helps businesses remain responsive, competitive and adapted to market needs.

Examples of successful marketing barometers

A. Image and reputation barometer conducted every month: Adidas

Madeinvote has set up for the Adidas brand, a sportswear giant, a monthly barometer aimed at measuring The image of the brand among football fans in France. The objectives were as follows:

- Evaluate the evolution of brand awareness,

- Understand the positioning of Adidas,

- Follow the changes in the behavior of soccer shoe buyers in the country.

400 respondents, all football fans aged 15 to 35 and living in cities with more than 200,000 inhabitants, participate in the study every month over a period of six days.

The results of this barometer allowed Adidas to measure its posturing in the sportswear sector, to understand the profile of its customers, and to monitor changes in behavior within its target demographic. This monthly approach offers a constant visibility, allowing Adidas to adjust its strategies in real time to meet the expectations of its customers.

B. Sectoral barometer: sustainable tourism with Odalys Vacances

In collaboration with Odalys Vacances, we created a sector barometer annual aimed at measuring the interest and relationship of French people in sustainable tourism. The goals of this study include understanding the motivations, barriers, and emerging trends in this field.

To access the full results of this study, you can download the report on the dedicated page: Sustainable Tourism - Results of the study. This sectoral barometer allows Odalys Vacances to shape its offers according to the specific expectations of its customers and to contribute to the sustainable development of the tourism sector.

The final words

In conclusion, the marketing barometer proves to be much more than a simple analysis tool. It has become essential for businesses looking To thrive in a world in constant evolution. The marketing barometer, revealing market trends, offers a clear vision for businesses, allowing them to adapt quickly to changes, identify opportunities and shape their positioning. Each type of marketing barometer offers valuable insights to guide strategic choices, whether through image, satisfaction, or sectoral barometers.

Do you want to know more about the benefits of the marketing barometer for your business or discuss the implementation of a tailor-made strategy? Do not hesitate to contact us ! Let us help you gain a thorough understanding of the market. 🚀

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager