poll&roll platform

New features to start the year off right!

Rédigé par
Pauline Poché

New features to start the year off right!

Posted by Pauline Poché, January 20, 2021

The start of the year is a sign of something new at poll&roll. Here are 4 new features available on the platform to continue simplifying your market research.

1. Use digital filters

New filters have appeared in the questionnaire editor.
You now have the option of using digital filters. This allows you to filter a question according to the value given by the respondent to a numerical question or a question asked on a scale.
For example, you can now filter the display of questions in part of your questionnaire based on a satisfaction score.


You can now ask only respondents who you consider satisfied (who gave a score of 7 or higher) to describe the benefits of this service.


2. Show results on all respondents

The display functions continue to be improved and you can now display your results on the total basis of your sample. This is especially useful when the questions in your questionnaire are filtered out.

To do this, go to your study preferences and select the display on “all respondents”:


The results displayed in the platform as well as in your exports will automatically be repercentage on the total number of respondents.
If the question was filtered in the questionnaire, a “not answered” item appears. It includes the number of respondents who did not answer the question during data collection.


3. Display of the verbatims of open questions

You now have access to all the verbatims of an open question or a “Other: specify” position directly in the analysis dashboard.

Go to an open question and click on the “verbatims” icon to access all the answers given by the respondents.


This table can be viewed online or exported in Excel format.
The verbatims are also always available in the exports of individual study data.

4. Show raw databases in the results

It is now possible to display the results on a raw basis (not adjusted) in the dashboard. This feature makes it possible to display the actual number of people interviewed before the adjustment was applied. It is particularly useful for analyzing your cross-sorting on studies with boosts or reasoned samples.
This feature is available in the study preferences. In “Bases displayed in the results”, select “Raw databases” and then click on “Validate”.


The bases shown in your results are now the bases that have not been adjusted.


Once the feature is selected, the databases displayed in all the exports you request will be the raw databases.

New features are under development and will be available soon. So stay connected!

Pauline Poché
Insights Manager chez Discurv.