Methodology & Expertise

Advantages and disadvantages of open-ended questions in surveys

Rédigé par
Amélie Curel
Open-ended questions in surveys allow for in-depth exploration of participants' responses, generating rich data. However, they require time-consuming treatment and may result in responses that are not very constructive. To use them effectively, clear questions are essential. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of open-ended questions but also the semi-automated Discurv solution to simplify the processing of answers.


Surveys are crucial tools for gathering information, understanding people's opinions and needs, and guiding future actions. At the heart of these surveys are questions, which vary in complexity and form. Les open questions, a specific type of question, play an essential role in data collection by allowing respondents to express themselves freely. Open-ended questions, as the name suggests, are designed to allow respondents to give free, unstructured answers, unlike closed-ended questions where answer options are predefined.

In this article, we will explore in detail the pros And the inconveniences open-ended questions in surveys, highlighting their relevance and offering advice on how to use them effectively

Before diving into the details, you can ask yourself these questions: how can open-ended questions enrich online studies? How can you use them to optimize your surveys? You can find all the answers here.

The 7 benefits of open-ended questions in surveys

Open-ended questions play a crucial role in data collection and offer numerous benefits ✅:

  1. Free expression of answers : one of the most important benefits of open-ended questions is that they allow respondents to Express yourself freely. They are not limited by predefined response options, which encourages the expression of authentic thoughts, opinions, and ideas

Example: “Describe in detail your experience the last time you came to the mall.”

  1. Rich and detailed data: Open-ended answers provide details and nuances that are difficult to obtain with closed-ended questions. They allow the answers to be explored in depth, thus offering a more detailed understanding of the subjects studied.

  1. Unexpected or nuanced information : open-ended questions may reveal unexpected perspectives or elements that would not have been considered. They bring a diversity of viewpoints, which is particularly useful for qualitative research.

  1. Measure of”Top of Mind“: Open questions allow you to find out what comes first to respondents' minds, without influencing their answers by presenting a list of proposals. This provides authentic insight into participants' priorities and concerns.

Question: When you think of social media, what social network comes to mind first?

This question makes it possible to measure the reputation and spontaneous preference of users towards different social networks, which can be valuable for marketing and market research strategies in this field.

  1. Dynamics in the questionnaire: by alternating between open and closed questions, we can break the monotony of the survey, now as well Respondents' commitment. Open-ended questions can be used strategically to capture participants' attention.

  1. Exploring complex topics: For complex topics where answers cannot be easily categorized, open-ended questions are essential. They allow respondents to provide nuanced answers that take into account the complexity of the topics.

  1. Customizing responses: Open-ended questions allow respondents to personalize their answers based on their personal experience, which can provide valuable information about the diversity of individual experiences.

The 5 disadvantages of open-ended questions in surveys

While open-ended questions have many advantages, they are not without their drawbacks. Here are the main disadvantages associated with using open-ended questions in surveys:

  1. Manual and time-consuming processing: The processing of answers to open-ended questions may be Time-consuming, requiring a codification of the answers to organize them into major themes or manual proofreading. There is also a risk of subjectivity in this process.

  1. Lack of data: Respondents sometimes tend to stop at their first idea, not detailing their answers sufficiently. This can lead to a lack of actionable data, especially if respondents are not encouraged to provide detailed answers.

Example: If you ask participants to describe how they feel about a targeted advertising campaign and many of them give very short answers like “good” or “I liked it,” it can be difficult to get useful information.

  1. Risk of unconstructive responses : answers to open-ended questions can sometimes be vague, irrelevant, or not very constructive. It is essential to formulate the questions of clear way to avoid this. The quality of the answers can vary considerably depending on how the questions are asked.

Example: If you ask a vague open-ended question like “Tell me about your concerns,” the answers can vary considerably in relevance and usefulness.

  1. Lack of quality: an excess of open-ended questions can lead to a decrease in respondents' motivation, which affects the overall quality of the data collected. Respondents may feel discouraged if they perceive a survey to be too long or demanding.

  1. Analysis difficulty 🧐: Analyzing data from open-ended questions can be more complex than analyzing data from closed-ended questions. Responses are often unstructured, requiring further analysis to extract meaningful information.

How to use open-ended questions effectively in surveys 🤔?

To effectively use open-ended questions in surveys and consumer studies on social networks for example, it is essential to take into account the specific needs of the study. Here are some tips to maximize their usefulness:

  • Formulation of open questions that are clear and concise: the clarity of the question is essential to obtain meaningful responses. Avoid ambiguous questions and make sure respondents understand what you want from them.

Question: What elements of our recent social media advertising campaign particularly stood out to you? Can you explain why? Have you shared or commented on posts related to this campaign? If yes, what prompted you to do so?

This open-ended question would provide valuable information about the specific aspects of the campaign that caught participants' attention, as well as why they were involved, such as sharing or commenting. The answers could help identify the most effective elements of the campaign and guide future advertising strategies.

The effectiveness of open-ended questions also lies in their adaptability to different contexts, whether they are social media surveys, customer satisfaction studies, product reviews, or other areas of research.

  • Combination with closed-ended questions: Mixing open and closed-ended questions can provide a balance between depth of analysis and ease of processing. Use open-ended questions when their added value is obvious, for example to explore complex topics.

  • Careful survey design: Careful survey planning, including the strategic selection of open-ended questions, can help minimize the inconveniences associated with these questions. Clearly define the objectives of each open-ended question and ensure that they are integrated seamlessly into the questionnaire. 🖊

  • Incentive for detailed answers: If detailed answers are essential, do not hesitate to encourage respondents to provide thorough and comprehensive information. You can do this by explaining the importance of the open-ended question or by using incentives.

Handling open-ended questions at Discurv

At Discurv, we understand the importance of open-ended questions in online surveys and we strive to facilitate the process of collecting and analyzing responses. Our platform offers a semi-automated solution for processing answers to open questions. You can also consult our sample study on French and recycling to see how we can help.

Thanks to techniques of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence, our tool automatically pre-codes the answers of your open-ended questions with short answers and classifies them according to major themes. This approach saves time and allows structured data to be obtained more quickly. ⌛️

In addition, our customers have access to the study minutes directly online. They can then be exported in Excel format or in the form of a word cloud, which facilitates the analysis and visualization of the results. Our aim is to putting technology at the service of quality of your studies by optimizing the data collection and analysis process.


In summary, open-ended questions in surveys offer a valuable opportunity to explore respondents' opinions, thoughts, and experiences in depth. However, their effective use requires careful planning, accurate question formulation, and an approach tailored to each study. At Discurv, we are committed to simplifying the processing of answers to open-ended questions and making verbatims available in a user-friendly way to improve your online studies.

To find out how Discurv can optimize your surveys and simplify the processing of open questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to discuss your specific needs and show you how our platform can improve your online study process.

Frequently asked questions

How to ask open-ended questions

To ask effective open-ended questions, make sure they are clear, concise, and formulated in a way that encourages detailed responses. Avoid ambiguous questions and make sure respondents understand what you want from them.

How do I do open-ended questions?

Creating open-ended questions involves formulating questions that don't have a predefined answer. This encourages respondents to express themselves freely and to provide detailed information.

How do you analyze open questions?

The analysis of open questions can be manual or semi-automated. At Discurv, we use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to pre-code and classify responses, making it easy to analyze and obtain actionable data.

Amélie Curel
Marketing manager